Thursday, September 14, 2006

How do I protect my Bangalore ?

"When will you use your Quality process to inculcate some driving sense into Indian roads ???"
This was a question posed to us by one of the senior executives of a multinational company visiting India on a tour to evaluate business opportunities in India.

Today we received a delegation of executives from 4 companies looking to setup shop in India and engaged them in a presentation and discussion on challenges of working in India. The meet went off pretty well and the guests definitely got their times worth from the students. Whether this will yield any fruits in the recruitment season, only time will tell.

The India Marketing apart, the one question which stuck with me was the one innocently asked by a lady on the pathetic state of affairs with regard to traffic,roads and infrastructure.
Any other day I might have just brushed aside the comment as a feeble attempt by a "sophesticated-white" to poke holes into the India success story !!

But today the innocence in her voice made me realize how indifferent WE have become to the whole situation and have immunized ourselves to many unnecessary inconveniences !!

They tell me our mind is not a data analyzing machine but a data rejection filter !
We don't need a better example to illustrate the point. I never imagined that the "Solpa Adjust madi" credo, hardwired into the soul of the middle-class indian would have a negative aspect in-built to it.
Alas, the Indian Youth grows up under the ingrained belief that it's OK to compromise ! It's OK to have an accomodative nature !! It's OK to not Fight first !!!!

Even though the corporate jungle does challenge some of our natural instincts, I guess habits die hard. But the most heartening thing for me is to see a defiant young kid speak out his mind and boldly challenge our boundaries at an age when I was oblivious to all enternalities ...

I want to be in a position to challenge other countries on their tardiness in development. I want to be in a position to teach other cities how to grow into a Bangalore. I want to be able to twist back all finger pointed towards Bangalore and towards India !!!

And that ain't happening with being an orthodox,shy,acomodative,defensive,goody-goody South Indian !!!

"Ambition should be made of sterner stuff" - JC

take it easy kano ;-)

straight drive. but there is always a boundary. setup by our very own near and dear ones, by society, by politicians.
I am of the opinion that 'Salpa Adjust Madi' is NOT the main reason for the bad state of affairs. Each one of us is a 'selfish' individual working only for personal gain and not worrying about the big picture.

With due respect to the dignitary, I do not treat the view (They tell me our mind is not a data analyzing machine but a data rejection filter !) from the person as genuine or correct (again my opinion).

I liked the fact that you want to portray the positive things about Bangalore but thats not THE solution.

-- K R Baalaaji
Quoting from the GSB reading about India, the only solution to all our problems is "Participatory Growth". The booming IT middle class does not represent the millions of farmers who are driven to suicide by our myopic policies. Make every sector of the society grow with you, and then maybe, the "Adjust Maadi" mindset can be changed. The solution might sound very ambitious and even impossible, but "swalpa adjust maadi" :)
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